© Øverli propartner
About Propartner
Øverli Propartner is an independent consultant company that
offers services for process and mechanical industry.
The owner has extensive experience in the belowmentioned
areas as a long-time employee of Kværner Pulping (Norway),
Voith Paper (Germany) and Cambi Solutions AS (Norway).
Before, and In between the paper / Biogas business he was
teaching basic course in mechanical subjects at a norwegian
vocational school, further as employee in Scandinavian Airlines
for several years, first as Senior Structure mechanic, and the last
four years as Section Leader for the production planning at
Heavy Maintanance workshops at SAS Technical Base,
Gardermoen (Oslo Airport).
Range of Services available
Øverli Propartner can offer a wide range of Services, such as
process parameter optimization in sewage sludge treatment- /
biogas production plants.
Control with subsequent reports and recommendations
regarding maintenance/optimization of dewatering equipment
in the paper industry (Screw presses, Disc filters) and biogas
plant equipment and components.
Planning and guidance for preventive maintenance of process
Supervision at annual Maintenance Shutdowns
Rotating machinery (pumps, presses, mixers, conveyers)
High-pressure cleaning of vessels and critical pipelines
Optimization / calibration of process instrumentation
Mapping of active volume in process tanks:
Plan and carry out tracer tests in vessels without possible
entrance and / or inside visibility, to detect possible amount of
accumulated sediments inside.